F2F Class Notes 20th August (Ben)

*** I cut my hair –> I had my hair cut

a new haircut
I cut my hair = by myself
I had my hair cut = by someone else

pipeline =many potential customers, many meetings, many opportunities

You have a good sales pipeline
a good sales process

process 过程
procedure 步骤

A procedure is all the steps you need to take to do something

The procedure to turn on a computer is to press the button, turn on the screen and enter your password

The procedure to get a Chinese visa is very complicated and the process is very long.

a process is more abstract (抽象) than a procedure

PROcess = 过程,

proCESS = 加工
The goods need to be processed.

The PROcess to proCESS the goods is long.
outcome = result

close a deal = to make a sale

Are you optimistic? = Do you think you can close a deal?
for leisure or for business?

with a tour 旅游团

insecurity = crime

a thug = a violent dishonest person


They are responsible for a big part of criminality
to tell = recognize

African immigrants, Arab immigrants and Gypsies

The visa procedure is usually easy.

You have the right to stay in France, but you do not acquire citizenship

citizenship = being a citizen

confrontation = 对抗,对峙

Local people need to confront thugs pretty often.
Acquiring citizenship is a long and complicated process.

acquire = get

scenery 背景, 风景

SCE – nery

scenery = a landscape = a view = a sight
a Schenghen visa