F2F Class Notes 20th April (Peter)

Vocabulary 词汇

Addictive – likeable, a substance that causes a person to become dependent*

*Note: when we use the word “addictive,” we normally use in two ways. It often arises in conversations about drugs, or it used as hyperbole (to act with extra emotion).

Ex. Most drugs that are illegal are highly addictive and cause people to be dependent.

Ex. Many people are addicted to chocolate.

Dispute – to argue, to disagree

Ex. The two countries have been disputing their borders for years.

Ex. The legalisation of marijuana is disputed because is can be used both as a drug and as a medicine.

Expressions 成语

420 (or 4/20) is a North American cultural reference to smoking weed (大麻) and relates to the day of April 20th and the time 16:20.

Pop Culture, short for popular culture, describes modern practices and themes that are popular, usually from the internet.