F2F Class Notes 19th July (Jesse)

My high school life has been gradually away from me, which I really miss the good old days. My high school in Minhang district in Shanghai . That day my teacher told us ” today is last day at school, you will finish high school life ” as my mood was very bad. I don’t want to end high school life, because my students was very friendly, I like to study with them. We made an appointment to had dinner with together. We chatted while ate food which was very happy. Although I finished high school life was terrible but I’m very look forward to my university life.

My high school life has been gradually getting away from me, and I really miss the good old days. My high school is in Minhang district in Shanghai . That day my teacher told us “today is the last day of school, you will finish your high school life ” so my mood was very bad. I don’t want to end high school life, because my classmates were very friendly, and I like to study with them. We made an appointment to have dinner together and we chatted while eating food which was very fun. Although I finished my high school life which was terrible, I’m really looking forward to my university life.

Penny is having class, as Judy is going shopping.
as = because

We started class at 2:40, and while we were talking, Judy walked in, and a different student walked in.

my teacher was telling us “this is your last day of high school life”, and at the same time, my mood was becoming bad.

As/while, my teacher was telling us…… my mood was becoming bad.
While/when my teacher told us…. my mood started to become bad
When my teacher told us…. my mood was bad.

My teacher was telling us ….. and as she did that, my mood was becoming bad.

My teacher told us …. and my mood became bad

as soon as – very quickly after
eg. as soon as Jesse arrived, Penny arrived.

My high school in Minhang district in Shanghai, is really good.
My student named Penny, is 18 years old.
My teacher is named Jesse
My teacher named Jesse, is really nice, but my teacher named John, is not nice.

slowly = gradually 

go away – to go to a different place

get away – to move from here

send (fa song) < > receive (shou dao)
eg. I will send you my writing to your wechat