F2F Class Notes 18th March (Joseph)


Stalker – someone who follows someone around and harassing someone. (e.g. I think I have a stalker because I always see the same person waiting outside of my complex.)

Restraining order – to prevent someone from coming near you because of harassment or something similar. (e.g. I finally decided to get a restraining order on my ex because he would not stop harassing me.)

Doctor’s note – a note that a doctor will give the patient to prove that they are ill in some way. (e.g. When I broke my shoulder I needed to get a doctor’s note in order to get sick leave.)

Face down/flat – when something is flat with the largest side on the floor. (e.g. We need to pack our products horizontally face down on ever layer.)


Diagnosis (die-ag-no-sis)


Read the first chapter of Freakonomics and write a paragraph describing your thoughts.