F2F Class Notes 17th September (Eddie)

peekaboo! = we say this when we hide our face or our eyes and then suddenly show them, for a laugh


Peekaboo, I see you!

watering can
= a can that we use to water plants with

= small pieces of colored paper or ribbon we throw in the air during happy events

= a hard hat that we wear on our heads to protect ourselves

What sports do we need to wear a helmet for?

        1. hockey

        2. American football

        3. martial arts

        4. cycling

Post-It notes
= small pieces of paper stuck together we use to to write short messages on

E.g. Richard, mom left a message for you. It’s on a Post-It note on the fridge.

peanut butter
= butter made from peanuts (yum!)

= a long and narrow strip we tie up and put on gifts

= a number or a word we type to unlock our phones, iPads or computers