F2F Class Notes 15th December (Tony)


I wouldn’t know

I don’t know – No reason

I can’t say it clearly – I can’t disclose that information


disclose – to make known eg: “I can’t disclose that, it’s a commercial secret.”

sincere – to really mean what you are saying eg: “He apologized but it didn’t sound very sincere.”

pool – to gather many things together eg: “I think taking the uber pool is a little awkward.”

industry – a field of work eg: “My client is in the entertainment industry.” “I’m trying to work my way into the sports equipment industry.”

Q: Where did you take a taxi to?

A: I took a taxi here.

Q: Is there a silent letter in that pronunciation?

A: Yes, the L is silent in Calm.

Q: Did you have to sign and NDA or was it implied?

A: It’s just implied.

Q: What are you implying?

A: I’m not implying anything.

Q: What does NDA stand for? (What does each letter represent)

A: NDA stands for Non-Disclosure Agreement.


Calm – Kahm

impolite – Im puh lite

implied – Im-plide

Industry – In de stree

Industrial – In duhs tree ul

It’s implied – It-Sim-plide