F2F Class Notes 15th December (Tanya)


atmosphere – 气氛

e.g. I love the atmosphere around Christmas.

Christmas ornaments – Christmas decorations

e.g. We have a lot of Christmas ornaments at home.

meticulous – with a lot of attention for detail

e.g. My dad is very meticulous about decorating our Christmas tree.

to inspire – to motivate, to give new ideas

e.g. This beautiful painting inspired me to start painting myself.

to gather – to gather people, to make sure people are somewhere together

e.g. People gather their loved ones to celebrate Christmas together.

New Year’s Eve – the night before new year (NYE)

Abbreviation – a short word that references a long word

e.g. NYE is the abbreviation for New Year’s Eve.

Lunar New Year’s Eve  or Chinese New Year’s Eve

To be a big deal – to be important

e.g. Chinese New Year’s Eve is a really big deal.

Christmas Special – a special show that’s broadcast every year during Christmas. Can also be during other holidays such as New Year (New Year Special).

e.g. During Chinese New Year Eve, there’s a lot of New Year’s specials on television.

countdown – when you count back from a certain number to zero

e.g. It’s almost New Year! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

mind-blowing – overwhelmingly impressive.

e.g. It’s mind-blowing to me that some people can run a marathon a day.

overwhelming – too much to handle

e.g. Today I had to write six papers, work, run a marathon and pick up my nephew after class. It was completely overwhelming.

sustainable – something you can keep up

e.g. If you have to work 15 hours a day, every day, that’s not sustainable.

itinerary – travel plan

e.g. Carol still has to figure out her itinerary for Indonesia. She should go to Pulau Padar.