F2F Class Notes 15th December (Tony)


My age is old – I’m old

I’m young

In this morning

In last week

Why my alarm is no ring – Why didn’t my alarm ring?

When I was young I was often late, now that I’m older I’m never late.

everybody is waiting for you

my boss likes me

he’s an older man – Older is more polite to say than old, about a person’s age.

I’m not old, but I’m older than you.


I/You/They/We      Like

He/She/It      Likes

like – xi huan Subject + like + Object – I like bananas.

is like – xiang –

Verb – dongci V.

Sisi and I, My friends and I, Tony, Carol, Steve and I – Always put yourself at the end of a list of other people when speaking. This is a grammar rule, but is often broken by native speakers.

I’m a native English speaker, that means where I come from we speak English.


gross – e xin, disgusting

eg: “I think old coffee is gross.”

ESL – English as a second language

eg: “English is my second language, I took ESL classes in Shanghai.”

redundant – repeated information, that is not needed.

eg: “I don’t want to be redundant, but I’m not sure if you heard me.” “I’m eating food and now I’m full; is a very redundant sentence.” “I’m full.”

in trouble – did something bad or wrong, and now there will be some problems for you

eg: “Were you in trouble because you were late?”

Q: What is your native language.

A: My native language is Chinese.

Q: How many classes did you take last week?

A: I didn’t take any classes last week.

Q: How many children do you have?

A: I don’t have any.


Native – Ney, div.

Rule – Rue eL

Classes – Clas Siz

Alarm – Uh laRm