F2F Class Notes 14th Match (Raph)
Majority (n): 1- the larger number or part of something.
E.g.: The majority of the employees have university degrees.
Minority (n): 1- a smaller number or part.
E.g.: It’s only a tiny minority of people who are causing the problem.
Bunny (n): 1- a rabbit, especially a small or young one.
E.g.: Sally’s mom bought her a bunny for her birthday.
Easter (n): 1- a Christian religious holiday to celebrate Jesus Christ’s return to life after he was killed.
E.g.: I get two weeks off school at Easter.
Roman Catholic Church (n): 1- 罗马天主教堂
Protestant Church (n): 1- 新教教会
Gorilla (n): 1- 大猩猩
Chimpanzee (n): 1- 黑猩猩
Orangutan (n): 1- 猩猩
Correct: /kəˈrekt/
Collect: /kəˈlekt/
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