F2F Class Notes 14th March (Cricket)
census-a questionnaire taken to measure the population, education level, average income, cultural make-up, religion
eg. In the U.S. a census is taken every four years.
airplane ticket-flight-boarding pass
eg. The flights after Chinese New Year are very cheap.
demographic-renkou-population, education level, average income, cultural make-up, religion
eg. The demographics of Saipon Island are very diverse.
questionnaire– list of questions to be answered by someone
eg. The college sent a questionnaire out to the student body to get their opinions.
Oh my goodness. wo de tian ne
I haven’t go there. I haven’t been there.
Many hundreds of years ago.
I want to spend time with my parents that is why I am choosing to travel locally. Nationally
population– pop-u-la-shun
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