F2F Class Notes March 14th (Ben)


a gig = a temporary job, usually for musicians, artists, or part-time teachers

  1. It happens.
  2. It’s life.
  3. You get some, you lose some.

dedication = the hard work and effort that sb puts into an activity or purpose because they think it is important

Going to English classes despite being hungover shows great dedication (to your goal).

rack your brains 费尽心思

I have been racking my brains for weeks over which computer to buy.

–Tip– “brain” is usually used in plural in expressions

blow one’s brains out

When the magician made a car appear on stage, he blew all our brains out !

shirk responsibility 逃避责任


something relaxing makes you relaxed

have an effect on

The environment can have a great effect on your mindset and mood.

majestic 壮丽

The Imperial Palace is a majestic place.

wooden = stiff and uneasy, like wood 木讷

When I meet my neighbors in the elevator, we have a wooden and forced conversation.

go with the flow = follow the rhythm (music, meeting, social gathering, fashion)

When dancing, just follow yourself and go with the flow.

You should always think for yourself. Don’t always go with the flow.


You mustn’t have had dinner yet.

despite being hungover = even though you are hungover

I prefer Shanghai over Beijing.

I prefer staying home and watching a movie over going to parties where I know nobody.

here, there, my home –> no need for a word before (on, to, at, by…)

I’m at home = I’m home.

I’m going to my home = I’m going home.

I’ll stop by my home = I’ll stop home.