F2F Class Notes 12th April (Raph)


Overwork (v): 1- to (cause someone to) work too much (adj: overworked)
E.g.: You look exhausted – I hope they’re not overworking you.

Overtime (adv): 1-  (time spent working) after the usual time needed or expected in a job:
E.g.: They’re working overtime to get the job done on time.

To take advantage of something : 1- to use the good things in a situation:
E.g.: I thought I’d take advantage of the sports facilities while I’m here.

To take advantage of someone: 1- to treat someone badly in order to get something good from them:
E.g.: I think she is taking advantage of him.

Accomplishment (n): 1- an achievement. 2- the finishing of something.
E.g.: Women’s History Month celebrates women’s accomplishments throughout American History.
E.g.: We celebrated the successful accomplishment of our task.

Pioneer (n): 1- a person who is one of the first people to do something:
E.g.: He was one of the pioneers of modern science

Come about (v): 1- to happen, or start to happen.
E.g.: How did the problem come about in the first place?

Inspire (v): 1- to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it. 2- to make someone have a particular strong feeling or reaction. 3- to give someone an idea for a book, film, product, etc.:
E.g.: His confident leadership inspired his followers.
E.g.: She inspires great loyalty among her followers.
E.g.: The design of the car has inspired many imitations.

Dwindle (v): 1- to become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number; decline; drop; shrink.
E.g.: The community has dwindled to a tenth of its former size in the last two years.

Momentum (n): 1- strength or force gained by movement or by a series of events.
E.g.: The protests gained momentum after a reporter showed the violent police response on TV.

Annual (adj): 1- happening once every year.
E.g.: The race is an annual event that happens every March.

Expand (v): 1– to increase in size, number, or importance, or to make something increase in this way.
E.g.: They decided to expand their business in South America.

Congress (n): 1- 国会


(Original – Edited)

One week twice. – Twice a week.

Except overwork. – Except when I work overtime.

My eyes is bad. – My eyes are bad. 

If I don’t have class today I will finish my job at 7:30. – If I didn’t have a class today I would finish work at 7:30.


Orphanage: /ˈɔːr.fən.ɪdʒ/

Woman: /ˈwʊm.ən/

Women: /ˈwɪmɪn/
