Open F2F Class Notes April 12th (Ben)


a private / public matter

a news agency 新闻社

explosive news 爆炸性的消息

leak 泄露

Someone working in a news agency leaked these explosive news, even though it should be a private matter.

from my perspective

I don’t know how true it is. From my perspective, even if it’s true, it shouldn’t be a public matter.

吃瓜群众 people obsessed with celebrity gossip

专栏 a special column

People are so obsessed with this topic that a special column has been created about it.

miles away from

I am miles away from the world of celebrity gossip.

a spokesperson (spokesman or spokeswoman) 代言人

sensitive 敏感

Bai Baihe was the spokeswoman of Unilever, so I am pretty sensitive to this story.

an oil painter

美院 Fine Arts

This oil painter has a Masters in Chinese Fine Arts.

compassionate 有爱心的 = with compassion

every day for 5 years