F2F Class Notes 12th April (Raph)


Neurologist (n): 1- a doctor who studies and treats diseases of the nerves and the brain. 2- 神经科医师
E.g.: Carol went to the neurologist last week.

Symptom (n): 1- any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease.
E.g.: He’s complaining of all the usual flu symptoms – a high temperature, headache, and so on.

Surgery (n): 1- an occasion when a medical operation involving cutting open the body is performed on someone.
E.g.: He has had three surgeries on his wrist in the past two years.

Specialist (n): 1- someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular subject. 2- a doctor who has special training in and knowledge of a particular area of medicine.
E.g.: She’s a specialist in modern French literature.
E.g.:She’s a specialist in childhood illnesses.

Hormone (n): 1- 激素

Allergy (n): 1- 过敏


(Original – Edited)

We talked about some problem was happen in my job. – We talked about some problems that happened at work.

I have no my own doctor. – I don’t have my own doctor.