F2F Class Notes 11th October (Celeste) [2]

niece / nephew

Wuhan is in Hubei Province.

bracelet ( bray – suh – let ) – jewelry for your arms

necklace ( neck – liss ) – jewelry for your neck

Words to use in a new story: ring, earring, bracelet, spoiled, electricity, electronics, glasses/pair of glasses


My daughter, Olivia, likes different jewelry, even she is 4 years old. She always tries to wear my jewelry such as ring, earring, bracelet. I think most girls like this kind of jewelry even if she is a baby. She is spoiled by her grandparents. She will wants to buy many toys even she doesn’t deserve it when we go out especially when she stays together with her grandparents, if they don’t buy for her, she will cry. She also likes small electronics, like phones and iPad. She will play game use my phone and iPad.  Sometimes, she will wear my glasses, she thinks this is very fashion.


My daughter, Olivia, likes different jewelry, even though she is 4 years old. She always tries to wear my jewelry such as rings, earrings, and bracelets. I think most girls like jewelry even if they are babies. She is spoiled by her grandparents. When we go out she will want us to buy many toys for her even if she doesn’t deserve them. Especially when she spends time with her grandparents, if they don’t buy stuff/things/toys for her, she will cry.

Most of the time, she will stay with me and my husband. My mom and dad will come for around one week, to take care of Olivia.

She also likes small electronics, like phones and iPads. She will play games on my phone and iPad.  Sometimes, she will wear my glasses, she thinks this is very fashionable.