F2F Class Notes 11th October (Tony)

Sorry I don’t know real meaning. – Sorry, I don’t know what real means. What the meaning of real is.

I just look – looked.

My friend has a class with Jesse(now, tomorrow, later)

My friend will have a class with Eddie.

Will (subject) have lunch at school?


Store – a place to buy things eg: “My favorite store is Mossy, a Japanese store, because I like their style and it’s affordable.”

Compete (v) – two thing try to be the best. “If stores compete, we get lower prices.” “The teams will compete to win the game.”

Competitive (adj). likes to compete. “H & M has very competitive prices.”

Afford (v) – be able to buy eg: “I can afford this dress,it’s not too expensive.” “I can’t afford a car.”

Affordable (adj) – “Many restaurants in Shanghai are not affordable for some people.”