F2F Class Notes 11th January (Celeste) [W/S]***


Listen to the recording of the story below. Read the story with the recording 2-3 times slowly.


I was angry so I canceled their breakfast. – I was angry so I didn’t serve/give them breakfast. v/ I was angry so I denied them breakfast.

She made breakfast for them. / She gave breakfast to them.

Writing exercise

Edited on 1/10
Christmas in Japan
I spent a special Christmas with my family in Japan last year/month/Christmas.Before I was married, I never cared about Christmas because it was not special for me. I just saw/noticed the streets becoming beautiful and there were some special dishes/plates/menus in restaurants. But since I got married I spend Christmas with my family every year. My children would ask me for gifts one month before Christmas, so I needed to think about what kinds of gifts they wanted. Last Christmas, I brought them to Toys-R-Us to let them choosetheir gifts. When we finished shopping my children asked me, “When will Santa Claus come to our house?†I told them “Santa Claus will come to our house on Christmas Eve,†and they trusted me.  They said, “we will be waiting for Santa to comeâ€. Then I didn’t know how to explain to them that in fact there is no Santa in the world.

But I thought I can’t tell them the truth because it is so sad to young children. Then I asked my wife “what should I do”, she just told me “you are the Santa Claus.”I was very surprised because I never pretended a Santa Claus. I checked Santa’s pictures and bought a red cap in the shop when they had a lunch. We came back home and enjoined some chickens and a Christmas cake for our dinner. After the dinner, my children started watching tv with their mother and I started to prepare my pretending. I wore the red hat and put the toys in a big sack. Then I put a white blanket on my shoulders and put over the toy sack over it. I was shaking a old bell as I was going downstairs and went into my children’s room. When my children saw me they became exciting and cried “papa Santa came” and took out the toys from sack to play. Then I finished my first Santa performance. I think I should act better on next Christmas.

But I thought I can’t tell them the truth because it is so sad to young children. Then I asked my wife “what should I do?“, she just told me “you are Santa Claus.” I was very surprised because I never pretended to be Santa Claus. When they were having lunch in the mall,  I checked Santa’s pictures and bought a red cap in Toys-R-Us. We went/went back/returned home and enjoyed some friend chicken and a Christmas cake for our dinner. After dinner, my children started watching TV with their mother and I started to get ready to pretend to be Santa Claus. I wore the red hat and put the toys in a big sack. Then I put a white blanket over my shoulders and put the toy sack over one shoulder. I was ringing an old bell as I was going downstairs and went into my children’s room. When my children saw me they became excited and cried “Papa Santa is here!” and took out the toys from the/my sack to play. Then I finished my first Santa performance. I think I should act better next Christmas.


I pretended a Santa Claus.  / I pretended to be a Jesse / a Judy /a Xi Jing Ping.

I pretended to be a man. – noun / I pretended to be Jim. – proper noun

I pretended to be a lion. – noun / I pretended to be Simba. – proper noun

If sth is exciting you, you are excited.

I was excited to see the movie. The movie was exciting.

I was excited to get a new phone. The new iPhone SE is exciting.


claus = claws ( cloh- zz )

claws, clop, click, clock