F2F Class Notes 11th January (Celeste)

Speaking exercise


First we opened the big box. Then we took the blue and yellow pump out.Then we opened the grey ball, took out the plug, and connected the pump to the ball.  Next we inflated the ball with air. We squeezed the pump with our hands and we stepped on it with our feet to put air in the ball. After the ball was inflated, we took off the pump and put the plug inside. Next, we put the wheels on bottom of the chair and we put the ball in the chair. Finally, the chair was ready to use!

If you could be a magical princess or magical pop-star, which would you be? Why?

I would be both. If I was a magical princess pop-star I would have a tiara. I would make my hair like a princess. I would meet all the presidents and rulers in the world. I would give my mom magical pink shoes. I will give my dad a magical purple shoes. I wouldn’t give Richard anything because he would have magical powers too. I would have a magical microphone to make a new mom and dad because they are nicer. I would use my magic to give food to all the animals in the world. I would also give the babies in the world warm blankets, milk, and hamburgers. I would use my magic to give all the teachers in the world a new phone.