F2F Class Notes 11th December (Peter)

Corrections (original – corrected)

We paid two weeks there – we spent two weeks there


Vocabulary 词汇

Inner Mongolia – the Chinese province of Mongolia

Ex. Many Chinese people prefer to travel to Inner Mongolia rather than cross the border because the culture is more or less the same is Mongolia.

Caribbean – the sea that is southeast of North American and north of South America, 加勒比

Ex. People often vacation in the Caribbean because of the beautiful beaches.

Central America – the piece of land that connects North America and South America.

Ex. Aside from Belize, the rest of the Central American countries are Spanish-speaking.

Coral Reef – a collection of coral animals that form a barrier in the ocean

Ex. Belize, Australia, and the Red Sea are known for their beautiful coral reefs.

The Asian Subcontinent (or simply the “Subcontinent”) – the lower part of the Asian continent that contains Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka.

Ex. The cultures of the Subcontinent are very different from those in East Asia and are arguably similar to Middle         Eastern cultures.

Sub-Saharan Africa – the part of Africa south of the Sahara desert; the countries in Africa not on the Northern coast.

Ex. The cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa are often different from that of North Africa, which is largely Arab.

Scandinavia – the Northern European countries that share a common history; Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland

Ex. The Scandinavian countries have the most successful education systems in the world.

Western Europe – the European countries west of and including Germany, Austria, and Italy,

Ex. The world’s strongest 19th and 20th Century colonial powers came from Western Europe.

Eastern Europe – the European countries spanning the portion of Europe between Western Europe and Russia.

Ex. Eastern Europe has a religious mixture of Orthodox Christians and Muslims, but shares a common history and linguistic culture.

Expressions 成语

The expression “in due time” is similar to the expression “sooner or later.”

Ex. Don’t worry, he’ll apologize to you in due time.

Pronunciation 发音

Caribbean (cuh-RIB-yin OR care-uh-BEE-un)

Scandinavia (scan-dih-NAY-vee-uh)