F2F Class Notes 10th October (Peter)

Vocabulary 词汇

Reel – something that is rolled up. For example, at the bottom of a fishing pole, there is a reel. Also, old movies

Pitcher – a large glass bottle used to pour drinks

Buffer – to load, usually talking about something on the internet.
Ex. Let’s pause the video, let it buffer, and come back in five minutes.

Merchant – a trader, someone who buys and sells things to make money

Arab – a person that comes from the Middle East and speaks the language “Arabic”

Magician – someone who can do magic tricks

Suspicious – untrusting, thinking that someone else is lying to you

Expressions 成语

The phrase tell me when means “tell me when to stop.” To be funny, you can answer “when.”
If someone is in the middle of nowhere, it means they are somewhere far with no one or anything around

Pronunciation 发音

Vocabulary (voh-CAB-you-lair-ee)

Magician (muh-JIH-shin)