F2F Class Notes 10th January (Tony)

Ielts Strategy 

First read all the questions. Read them more carefully than the article.

Then skim the article looking for relevant words.

Once you find the relevant word, carefully read the sentence slowly. Read every single word. Especially prepositions.

For True False or Not given: You must pay attention to positives and negatives. Not simply the words yes or no, not, but words that prove it is not true. You should only choose True or False if you are sure. If you are not sure choose Not Given

lost my way I got lost

skim – to just go over the surface

eg: “Skim the article to get an idea of what it’s about.”

prepositions – a word or group of words that is used with a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, location, or time, or to introduce an object

eg: to at in from of by …
