F2F Class Notes 10th January (Raph)


Pollution (n): 1- damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste
E.g.: The company claims it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.

French (adj): 1- something, someone or the language from France.
E.g.: I don’t speak French very well.

Volunteer (n): 1- a person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and without being forced or paid to do it.
E.g.: Raph worked as a volunteer in Indonesia.

Latino / Latin American (n): 1- a person who is from Latin America or whose family comes from Latin America. 2- 拉丁美洲人
E.g.: Raph is a latino.

America (n): 1- 美洲

United States of America (n): 1- 美国

Brazil (n): 1- 巴西

Mandarin (n): 1- 普通话

Cantonese (n): 1- 广东话


(Original – Edited)

My weekend was very tired. – My weekend was very tiring. / I was very tired on the weekend. 


Allergy: \ˈa-lər-jē\

Brazilian: \brə-ˈzil-yən\