F2F Class Notes 10th January (Tanya)


fiction – literature that’s not real
e.g. Harry Potter is an example of a fictional book.
non-fiction – literature that’s about something real, real stories
to pray – 拜拜
genre – type, category of book
e.g. Cynthia’s favorite literary genre is horror.
empty – 空
shrine –
Chinese spring festival – 春节
Buddha – 
candle – 蜡烛

Speaking exercise

listening music – listening to music
she need to find her daughter – she needs to find her daughter
When I am really young – When I was really young
If you will be scary about the movies you should not watch them – If you are scared because of movies, you should not watch them
I am young when I watched those movies – I watched those movies when I was younger 
I will go there and to pray to the clever Buddha – I went there and I prayed to the clever Buddha.
It’s not our real old – It’s not out real age