F2F Class Notes 5th April (Raph)


​Address (n): 1- the number of the house, name of the road, and name of the town where a person lives or works, and where letters can be sent.
E.g.: His address is 100 Main Street – Beijing, China.

Address (v): 1- to speak or write to someone. 2- to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem.
E.g.: He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience. / He likes to be addressed as “Sir” or “Mr Partridge”.
E.g.: We need to address the issues regarding quality control.

Nutrient (n): 1- any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow.
E.g.: A healthy diet should provide all your essential nutrients.

Substance (n): 1- material with particular physical characteristics. 2- an illegal drug.
E.g.: This substance stretches to any shape you want.
E.g.: He was arrested for carrying an illegal substance.

Absorb (v): 1- to take something in, especially gradually.
E.g.: Plants absorb CO2.

Actress (n): 1- a female actor.
E.g.: Meryl Streep is my favorite actress.

High-pitched (adj): 1- ​A high-pitched noise is high and sometimes also loud or unpleasant:
E.g.: She has a very annoying, high-pitched voice.

Chaos (n): 1- a state of total confusion with no order. (adj: Chaotic)
E.g.: Snow and ice have caused chaos on the roads.

Animated Film (n): 1- an animation or animated movie is one in which individual drawings, paintings, or illustrations are photographed frame by frame (stop-frame cinematography). 2- 动画片.
E.g.: The Lion King is my favorite animated film.

Fussy (adj): 1- not easily satisfied, or having very high standards about particular things:
E.g.: All my children were fussy eaters.

Plot (v): 1- to make a secret plan to do something wrong, harmful, or illegal.
E.g.: The police discovered that he was plotting to kill his own father.

Carbon Dioxide (n): 1- CO2

Diaper (n): 1- 尿布


Address (n): /ˈæd.res/

Address (v): 1- /əˈdres/

Analysis: /əˈnæl.ə.sɪs/

Analyze: /ˈæn.əl.aɪz/

Calcium: /ˈkæl.si.əm/

Nutrient: /ˈnuː.tri.ənt/