F2F Class Notes 22nd December (Ralph)

Incredibly Flexible

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Speaking exercise


Hurry (v): 1- to rush or to do something quickly.
E.g.: He hurried down the stairs.

Social Skills (n): 1- any skill that helps people interact and communicate with others.
E.g.: He’s a good worker, but he doesn’t have very good social skills.

Goal (n): 1-  an aim or desired result.
E.g.: going to law school has become the most important goal in his life”

Resolution (n): 1- a decision someone makes to do or not to do something.
E.g.: My 2017 New Year’s resolution is to lose weight.


(Original – Edited)

What is the age they are from. – How old are they when they start studying?

How are they talk to each other. – How do they talk to each other.

Writing exercise


2016 is going to the end, what do you get and loss during the whole year. The appreciated thing for me is that I have gotten a lot of progress in English with the help of all teachers in SE (or all SE’ teachers). 0f course, I also have a large space to improve, so I hope I can get a fluent English skill which is one of my aims in the next year. The regretful thing in the 2016 was that I didn’t get a promotion at work, but I haven’t given up and I know that it will be happened if I keep working hard.


2016 is going to end soon. What did you achieve and what did you lose this year? The thing I appreciate the most is that I have gotten a lot of progress in English, with the help of all the teachers at SE. Of course, I still have a lot of room for improvement, so I hope I can get fluent in English, which is one of my aims for the next year. One of the regretful things that happened in 2016 was that I didn’t get a promotion at work, but I haven’t given up and I know that it will happen if I keep working hard.