F2F Class Notes 22nd December (Tanya)


theory – 理论

to identify 

  1. to recognise
  2. to identify (with someone), to see yourself in someone else

e.g. I really identify with Arya Stark from Game of Thrones because she’s a strong, young woman who knows how to fight for what she wants.

contact lenses – 隐形眼镜

ostentatious – very obvious

e.g. April saw a girl with blue contact lenses and pink hair. That was pretty ostentatious.


I don’t see the book yet – I didn’t read the book yet

most of time – most of the time

In Korea, Japan and Chinese shows – In Korean, Japanese and Chinese shows

I will read whole the book – I will read the whole book

five young lady – five young ladies 

When I was in three grade – When I was third grade


black mirror (episode: white christmas)

american horror story

Bring pictures of your red hair, April! (Discuss hair color)