VIP Class Notes (Whitney) [S]


Ethnic 种族 Cleansing 清洗 = 消灭整个种族
East Turkestan is a mineral-rich (矿物) land that could be why China is intending to take full control of this area. 

Compare the current “ethnic cleansing” happening in East Turkestan to previous historical events e.g. World War 2. Why do you think that no single country is intervening with this issue?


innocent until proven guilty 


raped = ray-p-ed
drowned = drown-d

Case 1:

What happened to her. Who she is. What she was doing.
Her father and his job.
The suspect aka. who killed her/hurt her. Evidence. Process.trial.

A girl was raped and then drowned before her body was found in a river in 2016. Ms Ladenburger reportedly worked in her spare time helping out in refugee homes in Freiburg. Her father is a lawyer who works as the right-hand man to the legal director of the European Commission and also supports the refugee policy.

The suspect was an Afghan migrant caught after police found DNA on a scarf near the cycle path where she was assaulted. Following his arrest, the suspect plead guilty to the attack and will be sentenced next year. However, prosecutors say he can still change his plea and its unknown if he has admitted to taping Maria. This whole situation is rather ironic, because Maria and her father could have been supporting a group of people that we behind her own demise. 

That’s rather ironic.

Hi Alex – ever considered that maybe the suspect was forced to admit guilt under duress? Consider yourself being persecuted in a foreign country, would you have full access to an interpreter or be attuned to local laws? Is there any at all possible that the suspect could have been forced into a false admission?

Case 2:
A Refugee was suspected of murdering a German millionaire who helped him and gave him a home upon arriving in Germany. This millionaire was regarded as a moral model citizen for his warm welcome to the refugees. He even treated a refugee as like his family and accommodated him for years. Finally, it turned out that the refugee is the one who killed him cruelly last month. Ironic again.

Hi Alex again, I did a search on google for this story and I couldn’t find a credible source. Sometimes we can’t judge based on incomplete or inaccurate news. First of all, there is no surname given for the suspect or the millionaire, no professional news source would leave this information out. Sometimes its better not to judge any one person or situation too quickly. especially when we don’t know all the facts. I know that internet is pretty censored in China so I’ll recommend a good VPN to Yannis and you guys can read more in your spare time.

Case 3:

Opinion: I planned to present a Sweden girl who announced refugees are kind and enjoyed having sex with them. Then she was found tragically killed way down a cliff, naked. But when I was searching for this case, lots of similar rape information rushed into my eyes. You can google them easily. Is it just a cultural crash happened when the refugees entered a new country and the situation is getting better? Sadly no.

Case 4:
German Missing teen girl found dead in asylum centre. It just happened 3days ago. Shocking, right?

Who is paying the price for the millions of refugees with the blood and life? Not the decision makers.

We want to help all the people in the world who are in need. We want to make this world paradise. We want to be angels. But, we are not angels with mighty abilities, and this world ain’t paradise. Before we lend a hand, we need to know whether they are really people in need, they are good people deserve to be helped, and the action is within our ability. To the politicians, please don’t build your achievement on other people’s life and happiness. They don’t deserve it.

Use credible news sources: New York Times, The Economist, BBC, ABC, CBS, Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker.