VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Write about your family


chin 下巴, cheese 芝士, chair 椅子, church 教堂, chest 宝箱, cherry 樱桃
Chester ate cheese and cherries for lunch.

-ph (f)
photo 照片, phone 电话, trophy 奖杯, dolphin 海豚, elephant 大象, gopher 地鼠
Mom took a photo of me holding 拿住 my trophy.

shirt 上衣, ship 船, shovel 铲子, shell 贝壳, shoe 鞋子, shark 鲨鱼
Shirley found shells and shark teeth at the shore 海岸.

thumb 大拇指, thief 小偷, thread 线, thorn 刺, throne 王位, thermos 保温杯
The thorn pricked 戳 my thumb.

-wh (wo)
whistle 吹口哨, wheat 麦子, whale 鲸鱼, wheel 轮子, whisk 搅拌棒, whisker 胡须
The whales talk to each other 互相对方 by whistling.

inch 英寸, bench 板凳, couch 沙发, lunch 午餐, punch 用拳头打/混合鸡尾酒/混合果汁
We packed 打包 a lunch and went to the beach 沙滩.

back 后背, pack 打包, sick 生病, duck 鸭子, sock 袜子, neck 脖子
Kim has a back pack 书包 with ducks on it.

fish 鱼, leash 牵绳, rash 红疹, brush 牙刷, wash 洗, bush 草丛
Sasha washes her hair and brushes her teeth before 在。。之前 bed.

bath 泡澡, path 小路, math 数学, mouth 嘴, tooth 牙齿, booth 卡座
Seth does his math homework and then takes a bath.



形容词 adj 是用来修饰名词的 = 中文中的“。。。。的”

pretty -好看的

big -大的

weak -虚弱的

short – 矮的

thin -苗条的

ugly - 丑的

handsome -帅气的

yes/no question 

be + S + O?
Are you hungry?
Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

negative sentence 
S + be + not + adj.
i.e. He is not sad.