Online Class Notes (JJ)


fried egg: 煎鸡蛋

sunny side-up: 半熟煎蛋(蛋黄是半熟的,稀的)

poached egg: 水煮蛋

the yolk is runny: 稀的蛋黄

egg white: 蛋白

egg yolk: 蛋黄

stir-fried mushrooms: 炒蘑菇

kale: 羽衣甘蓝

omelette: 煎蛋饼

Does not eating breakfast affect your mood/overall state: 不吃早餐会不会影响你的心情或是整体状态?

well off: 条件好,有钱

her parents support her financially

her parents provide her with complete financial support

session: 一场谈话

couples counseling: 情感心理咨询

China beat Japan in ping pong with 4:0

water polo 水球

break the rule 犯规

penalty 犯规后的惩罚

one stone two birds 一举两得

the difference in sales before and after the donations was huge

I’m swamped with work 我被工作忙的不可开交