VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


midnight meal/snack – 夜宵

crayfish -小龙虾

break down – fen jie
i.e. A year breaks down to 12 months.

frightening – scary
i.e. That movie was so frightening.

relevant – 相关的
i.e. Sleep is relevant to our health.

slumber – resting, in bed
i.e. I just spent 8 hours in the slumber.

myth – 民间不实传闻

dramatic – 夸张的

white noise – bai se zao yin

outgoing – easy to talk to

depression – yi yu zheng

appearance – wai biao


Charles Darwin once said “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life”. If you live one hundred years, that only equates to twelve-hundred months – and when you break it down even further into days, hours and minutes, it gets more frightening. Why is this relevant? Well, quite simply put: life is short. Spending eight hours every day in a slumber means you’re losing a third of your life to bed. So, the question is: is eight hours the exact amount we need, or is it just a myth?