VIP Class Notes (Li)


bump into – to meet somebody by chance

ex. I bumped into Anna outside Ikea.

company – where a person works at

ex. There is a fat cat at my dad’s company.

creative – having a lot of ideas

ex. Jerry is smart, cute and creative.

greedy – to really want something/lots of things

ex. Tom is very greedy because he wants to eat everything.

ex. It would be greedy for you to have another slice of cake.

water flowers – to pour water on flowers to help them grow


when you’re telling stories that you’ve read/seen, use the present tense 

nouns – girl/boy/cat/dog/tree/table

proper nouns – Little Red Riding Hood/Anna/Little white

common nouns – girl/hamster

subject pronouns – I/You/She/He/It/We/They

object pronouns – Me/You/Her/Him/It/Us/Them

ex. I met Anna/her outside the classroom.

ex. Tom gave Jerry/him some cheese.

ex. Tom/He and Jerry’s brother are friends.

ex. Anna/I likes animals.

ex. My teacher gave my friends and I/us some sweets.

try to use the pronoun after you use the proper noun 

ex. Little Red Riding Hood/She  

ex. Tom and Jerry/They 

ex. My pets/They 

ex. Your friends/They  

ex. Anna and her parents/We  

Speaking exercise

I like to draw.

Draw, play hide-and-seek and play with my hamster.

I like to draw, play hide-and-seek and play with my hamster.

I like Tom and Jerry.

It has a fat cat. I think sometimes he is a little bit funny because I have a feather and he jumps to get it.

There is a fat cat. I think sometimes he is a little bit funny because I play with him using a feather and he jumps to get it.

Jerry wins all the time, but sometimes I see Tom has a blanket and he pretends is his wings. He wants to chase Jerry and it has a bird in the story and Tom also wants to eat the bird.

Jerry wins all the time, but sometimes I see Tom has a blanket and he pretends to have wings. He wants to chase Jerry and there is also a bird in the story and Tom also wants to eat the bird.

Once upon a time, it lives a girl named Little Red Riding Hood. One day, she went to her grandmother home, and she sees a wolf in the forest. And the Wolf said, “Where are you going, child?” Little Red Riding Hood said, “I’m going to my grandma’s home.” The Wolf said, “I think you can pick some flower for your grandma.” And, the Wolf runs to grandma’s home. And, the Wolf eats grandma. The Wolf pretends he is grandma. The Wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood and the Hunter comes to the house and he saved Little Red Riding Hood and grandma.

Once upon a time, there is a girl named Little Red Riding Hood. One day, she goes to her grandmother’s home, and she sees/bumps into a wolf in the forest. And the Wolf said, “Where are you going, child?” Little Red Riding Hood said/replied, “I’m going to my grandma’s home.” The Wolf said, “I think you can pick some flowers for your grandma.” And the Wolf runs to grandma’s home. Then, the Wolf eats grandma. The Wolf/He pretends to be grandma. The Wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood and the Hunter comes to the house and saves Little Red Riding Hood and grandma.

When you’re telling a story you can use other words instead of and:

  1. First, Little Red Riding Hood sees the Wolf in the Forest.
  2. Then, she goes to grandma’s house.
  3. After that, the Wolf arrives at grandma’s house and eats her and grandma.
  4. Finally, a hunter arrives to save them.