VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


r-blend sound 

cream 奶油, cry 哭, crack 裂开, crawl 爬行, crown 王冠, crust 披萨边
The crown fell off my head and cracked in half.

drive 开车, dress 连衣裙, drill 电钻, drip 滴, dream 梦, drum 鼓
Mom gets dressed and drives to work each day.

freckle 雀斑, fruit 水果, frown 皱眉, frame 相框, friends 朋友, frog 青蛙
My friend, Frank, has freckles on his face.

grapes 葡萄, gravy 肉汁, grade 成绩, groceries 日常用品, grin 坏笑, grass 草
The green grass is growing.

princess 公主, print 打印, price 价格, prince 王子, prize 奖品, present 礼物
He gave the princess a present.

trick 恶作剧, trunk 箱子, tree 树, truck 卡车, train 火车, tractor 拖拉机
The tractor pulls the tree.

broke 坏了, braces 牙套, breakfast 早餐, broom 扫帚, brush 刷, braid 编发
I brush my teeth after breakfast.


fall off – 掉下来

half – 一半

each day – 每一天

grow – 成长

pull – 拉


review vocabulary and copy 3 times