Online Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

How do her mom feel —> how does her mom feel?


tuna: 金枪鱼

to be bloated: 胀气的

meant to be: 注定的

close-minded: 封建的

overly suspicious: 过度的多疑

well-educated: 受过高等教育的

dominant: 强势的

homosexual: 同性恋

heterosexual: 异性恋

straight: adj. someone who is heterosexual

hickey: kissing mark

register for a clothing brand

intimidated: 受到威胁,有点小怕的感觉

Ex: One of my classmates is so successful and I feel very intimidated by her.

if you see someone with a bow in their Wechat username/handle, it must mean they are lesbians.