VIP Class Notes (Vicki)

Speaking exercise

One day Sally brought Snoopy to school, however a lot of classmates said that Snoopy was a deer or a chicken or it was faked by a little boy. And then Snoopy was very angry, he went to punch those kids. And Sally told them to ask her questions after she finished speaking.

Lucy was pretending to be a psychiatrist and she asked Snoopy about something on himself, like asking him if did he liked his parents or if he was happy at home. In the end, Lucy told Snoopy to give her some money but Snoopy gave Lucy some dog food and Lucy was very annoyed.

One day Linus and Charlie were playing together but suddenly they heard that Lucy and Snoopy had started fighting. And Charlie went to tell them to stop fighting. Snoopy was licking Lucy and Lucy told him not to do that anymore but Snoopy was still doing that. And finally, Lucy shouted “I surrender!”.

One day Charlie was watching TV but Snoopy came in and slept on Charlie’s head and Charlie put Snoopy back to its house but when Charlie came back, he saw that Snoopy was sleeping on the TV. And Charlie could no longer watch TV so he went away. However Snoopy was very pleased because when Charlie went away, he could watch TV now.

One day Patty was having class but she fell asleep and after that he told the teacher she was awake and she could only look at the ceiling now. And she could only answer questions about the ceiling. And then she fell asleep again and went down the desk and she told the teacher to repeat the question again because there was no wifi under there.

One day Patty told Marcie she was worried about if will she would fall asleep again when she was having class that day. So she didn’t sleep until midnight yesterday. And then Patty asked the teacher what was the question. Patty said are we is that watching movie. And she said oh I like watching movies and then just slept. And she told the teacher that she was very regreted very much then put her head down but actually she was sleeping.

One day Sally was telling something about reading to her classmates and she said an example, such as if you receive a letter which your grandma gave you. You need to know what she was talking about. And if you don’t know how to read, you won’t be able to know that. And if they don’t read a book called “Peace and War”, the author of that book will be very angry. And finally she said “reading is definitely very important, if I said no, the teacher will give me a low score.”

One day Sally was doing her homework and she told her brother that she had some questions and when her brother came with her. Sally told his brother to do all the homework for her. And Sally’s brother, Charlie was very angry about that but Sally said “education is just like that.”


psychiatrist – 心理医生

lick – 舔

surrender – 投降

collar – 项圈

war – 战争