VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

I have spending over 3 years -> I have spent

but when I choose to study economics I found it is harder -> when I chose , I found it was

they will have requirements on the job description

it makes the company save a lot of effort. / it is the easiest way to filter applicants

I usually arrive at the office around noon

I don’t need to spend a lot of time during the pandemic -> didn’t

staying at home can be disturbing -> distracting

both like the crowded and the living pace -> both the large crowd and the living pace / crowdedness

if they prefer to stay here they didn’t mean to stay here a while, they want to stay here forever / settle down -> they don’t mean to stay here only for a while / they don’t look at it as temporary things

raising a children -> raising a child/kid

people are desperately to work harder -> people are desperate (adj) to work harder / they work harder desperately (adv)

the competitiveness is very intensive -> intense

when I took photos -> when I take photos


intensive (adj) : highly concentrated
The work out was intensive. I had to run 2km in 5 mins

intense (adj) : with a high degree / level
The job is quite intense

crowdedness (n)
He took a picture to capture the crowdedness of the station during CNY

theoretical (adj) : conceptual
It was purely theoretical

prisoner’s dilemma
We studied the prisoner’s dilemma

distracting (adj) : creating distractions
Staying at home can be distracting