VIP Class Notes (Vicki)

Speaking exercise

One day Tom was listening to a scary story on the radio report about witches, after that, Tom was very scared and Jerry saw that and played lots of scary tricks on Tom, such as like using the water to spray wash Tom and using the shirt to let Tom think it was this is a ghost and made Tom was very sacred. After that, Tom knew that Jerry was playing the trick on to him and Tom went to catch Jerry but when Tom was catching Jerry he saw the maser and thought the master was Jerry. And so he ran to the master and bit her and then the master was very angry and she punched Tom. And Jerry hid into a can of flour and when he got out, he saw him in the mirror and he was very scared and ran back to his hole.

One day Tom was catching Jerry, however Jerry suddenly found a honk and he wanted to use it to scare Tom, then when Tom was looking for Jerry, Jerry used the honk to scare Tom and Tom was very frightened and he ran away. But after that Tom got the honk too and he used the honk to scare Jerry and Tom laughed at Jerry and Jerry used lots of forks to kill Tom and Tom was very scared too and Jerry was very pleased about that. Tom saw that and wanted to catch Jerry but he was stuck in a very long pipe and his body became very long and Jerry used the honk to let Tom’s body to go out of the pipe. At last Tom thanked Jerry but he still wanted to catch Jerry and Jerry ran away.

One day a magician mouse came to Jerry’s home and Jerry wanted to get something for him to eat and he went to the fridge but Tom was there too. And Jerry got Tom’s nose and Tom wanted Jerry to give his nose back and after Jerry gave giving the nose to Tom, he went back to the mouse home. And Tom wanted to catch Jerry but he caught the magician mouse and the magician mouse went into Tom’s tummy and saved lots of little birds and mice and a fish. After that Jerry came to the fridge again and Tom saw Jerry and Tom and Jerry were both all very scared and Jerry went back to the home and Tom wanted to catch him it but he got the magician mouse’s hat and there were three rabbits in it and there was also a hammer and the three rabbits used the hammer to punch Tom. At last, the magician mouse went away and Jerry said goodbye to him. Jerry was very pleased.


write about the last episode of Tom and Jerry