VIP Class Notes (Tony)


I leave my office late because I chatted to my colleagues and the subway stay at west nanjing road about 5 minutes

I left my office late because I was chatting with my colleagues and the subway was stuck at west nanjing road about 5 minutes.

it will start on Jan. 26th and end on feb. 21st.

I don’t need to

my high school English teacher

we had a foreign teacher, she came from Britain.

I haven’t decided.

Lose track of sth. – to stop paying attention to something.

eg: I lost track of time, when I was chatting with my coworkers.

eg: Kindergarden teachers can’t lose track of the children.

stuck – can not move something from a place

eg: This door is stuck open, I can’t close it.

eg: Yvonne got her hand stuck in the cookie jar again.

eg: Children always get their hands stuck in weird places.

exponent N. – the small number on the top right, of a large number.   6^2 ( 6×6)                                   6^7 ( 6x6x6x6x6x6x6)

eg: When the exponent is 2, we call it, squared.

exponential – from math, then you multiply ( x ) a number by itself, and by the same number of times.

eg: It had exponential growth.

eg: It is exponentially harder to learn a new language when you are older.

eg: It is exponentially harder to learn to drive when you are older.

eg: It is exponentially harder to get pregnant when you are older.

eg: Life is exponentially better if you get out of comfort zone, every once in a while.

Lucid dreaming – when you know you are dreaming.

eg: I had a strange lucid dream last night. I was shopping.

eg: I knew I was dreaming because, I’m always shopping for sth. but I can never buy it.

eg: I knew I was dreaming because I was in my house, but it wasn’t really my house.

contacts – contact lenses, a lens from glasses that touches your eyes

eg: I need to change my contacts.

diversity – having many different kinds of things.

eg: China has a lot of ethnic diversity, it’s just not so easy to see it.