VIP Class Notes (Tony)
Check your homework for mistakes.
Maybe Typos from mom.
Tai an isn’t on the coast. It isn’t a coastal(adj) city.
Dalian is a coastal city.
What does (this) mean in Chinese?
It means something like money in Chinese. / It means “Yuan” in Chinese.
Yuan is Chinese currency.
You mean Yen? I thought Yen is Japanese currency.
I’m not I don’t mean Yen, I mean You N, Y.U.A.N. it’s Chinese currency. / I mean YOU EN, not Yen.
extraterrestrial – like a person but not from our planet, Alien
eg: Do you believe in extraterrestrials?
Yes, I believe in extraterrestrials.
currency – kinds of money
eg: American currency is called Dollars.
eg: You can’t use foreign currency at that store.
eg: European currency is called ‘Euros’. “I only have twenty Euros.”
vacation – when you take a break from work or school, usually to go somewhere interesting
eg: We have a one week vacation for National Holiday.
cousin – your parents brothers or sisters kids
eg: I’m looking forward to seeing my cousin.
eg: I’m looking forward to meeting my cousin.
You mean, you’ve never met your cousin?
No, not never I have met him.
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I not
I am mean (V)
I am not mean (V)
I am mean (adj)
Hair (N) – One hair, Countable
eg: I found three hairs in my noodles. So I didn’t eat them.
Hair (N) – Hair in General, (All the hairs together)
eg: I need to cut my hair.
eg: There is some hair in the shower.
Dad Jokes:
eg: I got a haircut 2 weeks ago?
Why didn’t you get all of them cut? HAHAHAHA!
No, I didn’t get ONE hair cut. I got “a haircut.”
Your dad thinks its funny if you only cut one hair.
Me: ‘Dad, make me a sandwich!’ Dad: ‘Poof, You’re a sandwich!’”
Your dad used magic to change you into a sandwich.
“Me: ‘Hey, I was thinking… ’ My dad: ‘I thought I smelled something burning.'”
Your dad is making a joke that you are not smart. So your brain is burning when you’re thinking too much. Thinking too hard.
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