VIP Class Notes (Tony)

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sliding scale – a system in which the amount that people are required to pay in fees, taxes, etc., changes according to different situations or conditionsusually singular

eg: The purchases are set on a sliding scale, so that the more you buy the more you save


Do the HW Georges gave you

Write it, then Revise it the next day.

Then submit your revision to us.


transaction transfer(adj) city

biological age (Scientific )

physical age (Appearance)

do you know Metro? you don’t know, right?

What company do you work for?

Have you heard of Metro? It is a Germany wholesale company providing daily used products for people like groceries and supermarket items.

a dynamic market

drive through a few places

drive across a few states

you visit his house – you went to house

hospitality – being welcoming or nice to guests

eg: Southern hospitality is famous in America. They are very welcoming and will always feed you.

Virtual Reality

F&B – Food and beverage

UI – User Interface

Bulk – a larger quantity, which typically offers price cuts

eg: Bulk purchases aren’t as cheap in China.

Rigid – not flexible, maybe enough that it could break easily

eg: Their procedures are very rigid.