F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Write an email service.


on the 25th

Lightning & Thunder

small / big rain

it is raining hard now.

it isn’t raining hard now

it was raining really hard

It wasn’t raining hard

Would you ever wear second hand clothes?

Yes, I would wear second hand clothes.

she buys them online

Take off / Put on –

eg: I took off my necklace

eg: I didn’t put on my necklace.

Turn it on / off

eg: I turned on the air conditioner.

eg: I forgot to turn it off.

Leave it on / off

eg: Don’t leave the TV on.

Air conditioner

eg: Turn on the A.C.

eg: I left the air conditioner on all night. Now my throat is really dry. And I have a headache.

Remote control

eg: I keep the AC remote next to me.

eg: I lost my remote control. Now I have to get up to turn it off.

Humid – there is a lot of water in the air

eg: It’s so humid in the summer.

gift / present – something nice you give to someone

eg: My father never gives my mother gifts.

eg: They gave me a gift.

eg: Thanks, this necklace was a gift.

Spaghetti – A long straight noodle (Italian)

eg: Most kids like spaghetti, maybe because the name sounds funny.