VIP Class Notes (Tony) [S]


I would not say something like that – well, I wouldn’t say that

decisive – can make decisions

eg: I need to be more decisive. I always take too long to decide.

redundant – has been repeated and not useful

eg: That info is redundant

Speaking exercise

What feeling do you get when you visit Hong Kong, is it like that for the people around you?

So actually when I visit HK I aslo feel very familiar with it. It is not because of everything in HK is similar to my home, Its just I watched lots of HK tv dramas in my childhood, so I go the streets and the places many times on the tv. So when I actually arrived in HK and saw the real places like what I have seen on the TV I just thought whoah, this somewhere I ever look forward to it. So I also quite like HK, but I dont think ppl around will share the same feeling with me because ltos of ppl have not watched HK movies or HK dramas so they dont have a special feeling about HK, so tin theur eyes they just HK is a big city and a very crowded city, everything there si very expenseive and people there are coming from many diff places and you need to speak in many diff languages to communicate with diff ppl, and also in recent four or five years hK ppl also found that there are too many people coming from mainland to HK to find a job or to study at HK or just visit HKL, aso theres also lots of discussions to see if there are too many ppl in HK and make the local ppl in HK feel their worl dis more crowded, so lots of things happened between HK and us, lots of ppl want to still visit HK and to understand what they are thinkging and what their daily life is nd young ppl in my same gen who have the same culture or share the same childhood memories with HK pop cultures they will share the same feeling with me and for others I think they will not have the same feeling with that.

So when I visit HK It feels really familiar. Not because it’s like my home, I just watched lots of HK movies and TV. I quite like HK, and look forward to trips there. But I dont think most people I know feel the same, so in their eyes HK is a big and very crowded city. Things are very expensive in HK. The people are very diverse so you need to learn many languages to communicate with them. In the last four or five years locals also found that there are too many people coming from mainland to HK to find a job or study or just visit. So there’s also lots of discussions about overcrowding. It makes the locals feel their world is getting more crowded, so there were lots of incidents between HK and Mainland people. HK is still attractive to tourists they are curious about life there. Young people in my generation who share the same childhood memories of HK pop culture will feel the same, and for others I think they will not have the same feeling.

Suggestion:   Try to reduce the number of SUBJECTS you say.

Reduce repeated words in sentences and paragraphs.

Sentence Construction:

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