VIP Class Notes (Tony)


1. Read the article

2. Answer the following questions:

Will this have a big impact on women’s rights?

Would it be ok for men to have a similar type of contest?

No more than 250 words each.


The only rule in English, is that there’s always an exception to the rule.

I wonder if my French accent became less stronger – I wonder if I lost my French accent.

it is implied

technical difficulties – a problem with technology

eg: We had some technical difficulties. But eventually we got the call started.



Articles:  A, An , The
I need to go to THE store.

When to use THE:

When you Specify

If there is ONLY ONE/ THE MOST

IF you know WHICH ONE

Give me the laptop. (you know which laptop)

I got a horse for my birthday. The horse is about 1000kg. (You know which horse)

He is THE best cook in shanghai.

He /She ???

He has been married to his husband for 5 years? His husband?

Singular /Plural:

I have a cat.

I have so many cats.

I have not much money. Because my cats were so expensive.

The only rule in English, is that there’s always an exception to the rule.

For Example:   Spelling…  I before E, except after C.    Die.   Quiet. Diet.    Conceive.  Deceive.

A: for Consonants / An: for Vowels
Exception:  An historic day.

eg: Give me a chair.     Give me an apple.

I‘ve only been to the U.K.

I‘ve only been in the U.K. for 2 months. ( Probably still there)

I’ve been working in France for 2 years. ( Probably still there)