VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

we have to show the watch because we wear short sleeves
they want to upload their systems from English teaching to more classes and from the function education to personality improvement. To promote good qualities for kids.
they want the kids to have interest in learning and interact with others.
They want to release kids personality.

The client for most online industry, their clients are sharp and straight

we have 2 options. 1 is focus on the kid status

Our idea is focus on the kids image.
They are brave and have ambition … they release their personality
The other option is we focus on the kids and the status of kids and their parents.
They get together to play or interact with the app. To highlight the love between the kids and parents and the app.

mostly parents who have kids aged from 0 – 8
in the online class parents can keep their eyes on them

most people buy online classes to get rid of the kids.

they want them to live as they imagine way
We want to do something that we didn’t make it and we send this hope to our kids.
For example I want to learn harmonica and if I don’t learn it I will make my kid to learn it.

we have to show the watch because we wear short sleeves  / we have to wear a watch 
they want to upgrade their systems from English teaching to more courses and from the function education to personality improvement. To promote good qualities for kids.
they want the kids to have interest in learning / to be curious and interact with others.
They want  kids to realize their potential .
for most online companies, clients are sharp and straight

we have 2 options. 1 is focus on the kid status and the ideal image.

Our idea is focus on the kids image.
They are brave and have ambition … they achieve their potential 
The other option is we focus on the kids and the status of kids and their parents. / the relationship between the kids and the parents
They get together to play or interact with the app. To highlight the love between the kids and parents and the app.

they mostly target parents who have kids aged from 0 – 8
in the online class parents can keep their eyes on them / parents prefer online classes because they can monitor what the kids are doing.

most people buy online classes to get rid of the kids. / to get some me time

they don’t feel secure / they don’t have a sense of safety


pattern (n) : something that repeats itself
I like the pattern on the T-shirt

sense of safety (n)
The need a sense of safety

realize / achieve one’s potential 释放天性
We want out kid to achieve his potential

to upload (v) : put something on the internet 上传
I uploaded a document to my cloud

to download (v) 下载
I downloaded a movie

to upgrade (v) : make better / change to a newer one 改进
Apple upgraded the CPU on the new iPad

to downgrade (v) : to switch to a former / earlier version
I upgraded to IOS 15 but it was too slow so I decided to downgrade back to iOS 14

joint bank account (n) : bank account used by a couple / shared
I have a joint bank account with my wife

quartz (n) 石英
Some watches use quartz



