VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

I went there second time -> I went there twice

No one can escape the experience  / it will happen to everyone.

To make a sake bomb you mix beer with baijiu.

I only drank beer once in 2 years / it was my first beer in 2 years

it is not good to be in a relationship with a bar tender , they can see many pretty girls.
This one has girlfriends and he didn’t tell it to the teacher.

she wrote her number on a napkin and gave it to the bartender.

we have the annual party once a year
I like the videos because I would like to let other people know I am online. There will be a notice showing I am online so my clients would know I am online.


I went there second time -> I went there twice

No one can escape the experience  / it will happen to everyone.

To make a sake bomb you mix beer with baijiu.

I only drank beer once in 2 years / it was my first beer in 2 years

it is not good to be in a relationship with a bartender , they can see many pretty girls. / they will be around many pretty girls . / they will encounter temptation everyday.
This one had several girlfriends but he didn’t tell it to the teacher. / but he hid it from her.

she wrote her number on a napkin and gave it to the bartender.

we have the annual party once a year
I like the videos because I would like to let other people know I am online. There will be a notice showing I am online so my clients would know I am online.

have you ever been to a club ?/ dance club

I was wasted on Monday  it took me 2 days to recover completely and I bought some medicine.
They shot a policeman because the UK published a law to protect the rights of policemen


to go viral (v) : be shared to many people on the internet
The video went viral on the internet.

asian hate (n): strong tendency people have to go against asian people
Asian hate is increasing in the US

to break into (v) : to enter illegally
A thief broke into our office during the night

Long Island iced tea (n) : strong cocktail mixing different alcohols
He ordered a long island iced tea

(adj) 混乱的
The situation is very chaotic

chaos (n) situation of disorder
Streets were on chaos after aliens attacked

congee / Chinese porridge (n) 粥
I had some congee for breakfast

to recover (v) : get back to full health
It took me a few months to recover from the accident

recovery (n)
The recovery usually takes a long time

bartender (n)
The bartender was very handsome

baijiu (n) Chinese alcohol
I drank baijiu for the first time


in English you talk about frequency then time unit
we have the annual party once a year


ml : millilitre

1 L  : litter