F2F Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

I wanted to talk about the question you left me —-> (…) the question you left me with

extra courses —> extracurricular courses/after class courses

that makes the teachers very difficult —> teachers have difficulty in…

that makes the teachers’ jobs very difficult

the teachers will put their heart and soul in teaching the top students —> pour their heart and soul

vicious circle —> vicious cycle

over anxious —> overly anxious

they don’t have a very top learning background —> they couldn’t enjoy the best learning opportunities

the education government in Shanghai —> the school board in Shanghai

if you study in a low school —> if you study in a low-ranking school

they got suicide —> they committed suicide


Prepare an outline to discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of the power of Chinese government, which side are you on and why?