VIP Class Notes (Raph)


Metabolism (n): 1- all the chemical processes in your body, especially those that cause food to be used for energy and growth:
E.g.: Exercise is supposed to speed up your metabolism.

Therapeutic (adj): 1- causing someone to feel happier and more relaxed or to be more healthy:
E.g.: I find gardening very therapeutic.

Deathbed (n): 1- the time / situation when you’re about to die.
E.g.: She spoke to her family from her deathbed.
E.g.: She made a last wish from her deathbed.
E.g.: He was on his deathbed when he made the revelation.

Obstacle (n): 1- something that blocks you so that movement, going forward, or action is prevented or made more difficult.
E.g.: The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.
E.g.: This decision has removed the last obstacle to the project.
E.g.: He has overcome a lot of obstacles along the way in order to become successful.

Virus (n): 1- 病毒

Tonsil (n): 1- 扁桃体

Tonsilitis (n): 1- 扁桃体炎


I like to eating salad. – I like to eat salad. / I like eating salad.

It’s very good for his healthy. – It’s very good for his health.

I think Chinese people is not very frequently to do exercise. – I think Chinese people don’t exercise very frequently.

That’s an object I want to achieve. – That’s an objective I want to achieve.

As earlier as possible. – As early as possible.


Tonsil: /ˈtɑːn.səlz/

Tonsilitis: /ˌtɑːn.sɪˈlaɪ.t̬əs/

Exercise: /ˈek.sɚ.saɪz/

Metabolism: /məˈtæb.əl.ɪ.zəm/

Therapeutic: /ˌθer.əˈpjuː.t̬ɪk/

Obstacle: /ˈɑːb.stə.kəl/