VIP Class Notes (Mike)


a no ny mous (adj.) 匿名的,”without/no name”

increase (v) 增加,上升
decrease (v) 减少

I will have my lunch while you talk.

without : 无

within: 在…里面

federal (adj.) 联邦 – federation (n)

compromise (v) 妥协,和解
I will never compromise! 

proposal (n) 提议

digital 数字的

credential (n) 证书

authenticate (v) 验证

equivalent (n) 对等物,同等物

dismiss (v) 解开,散开,不考虑

register (v) 登记,注册

approach (n) 方法,途径 

contrast with 对比,反差

release (v) 释放,发布,发出
The ex-criminal was released on Monday
Lady Gaga released a new song last month

recall (v) 回想,召回

modern (v) 摩登,现代

voluntary (adj.) 自愿的 – volunteer 

select (v) 挑选