VIP Class Notes (Mike)


terminology (n) 术语

obstacle (n) a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress
The major obstacle to achieving that goal is money.

injustice/inequity (n)
Fighting against poverty and injustice
Income inequity between men and women has long been a hot topic in the study of economics.

tuition (n) fees you pay for school

passive-aggressive (adj.) 

bearer: someone who bears or holds

antonym (n) words that have opposing meaning

grasp/seize + chance/opportunity
I feel regretful for not grasping that opportunity.

tier-one city 

to be on strike
ie. The worker in England will be in on strike next week.

Speaking exercise

My focus is about
My focus is on 

A lot of time
A lot of times

which make me feel very struggled,
which is what I was struggling

My mood is very low
I was feeling low at that time

Maybe I need to travel the UK before my master’s degree
Maybe I need to travel to the UK before my master’s degree