VIP Class Notes (Mike)


seasonal allergy

acne (n) 粉刺

pimple (n) 痘痘 

dermatologist (n) a skin doctor

eye-drop (n) liquid that you put in your eyes.

amateur (n/adj.) not professional

layman (n) 门外汉

food stand (n) 食物摊

diligent (adj.) 勤奋的
ie. Mike was not a diligent student when he was in high school.

bottled water 

traumatize (v) 
ie. Ellen was traumatized by the cockroach in the water cooler.

friction (n) 阻力,摩擦力
ie. Reducing the friction will help you develop habits sooner.

swipe (v) 刷,滑
ie. Swipe your card here, please!

install (v) 
ie. Can I install this software on your computer?

Speaking exercise

I didn’t treat it seriously enough

I was stuffing myself very often

I am still a fast eater

I did not have a sense of satiation 

I formed/developed a bad habit of eating too fast.