F2F Class Notes (Mike)


memorize (v) 记住

Speaking exercise


The story of the Boy Witch is my favorite part in SNM. I visited the McKinnon Hotel three times in order to complete the whole story. Every time after I finish visiting the hotel, I would go to the closest coffee shop to quickly sketch down what I just saw and my inspirations. Two weeks later, I finished the creation of this work.

这幅画用Penrose stairs的艺术形式,将男巫角色在整幢楼的表演动线,以及作为白面具的我和演员之间许多的互动时刻 巧妙地串联和融合在了一起,最终以勾素描肖像和场景勾勒的手法表现出来。

I was inspired by the Penrose Stairs. With the Boy Witch being the main connecting character throughout the whole story, we infused a variety of storylines together, including the interactions between performers and audiences as well as